Friday, 31 May 2019
10 Ways to Live More Fully
Stop trying to be perfect: You already are. Yes, each one of us is a work in progress, but that work is perfect in its state of evolution. When you are driven by perfection, you are unable to appreciate who you already are. Try instead to look at what is right about you.
Stop Trying to Impress Others: The people who want to be impressed (in the way I am talking about here) are not worth your time. The people who will judge you without knowing you or based on some criteria that are not even important to you are just not your people. The people who matter will think you are amazing. Pay more attention to them.
Stop Trying to Be Someone Else: If you are comparing yourself to someone who has different talents than you do or if you think that you should be doing things a different way than is natural for you, instead start to appreciate how you do things and what your talents are.
Find What You Love: When you let yourself be yourself, you will naturally be drawn to what you love. But, what you love also shows you something about who you are. If you don't know what you love, experiment. If you like it, try doing it again and see if it grows into something.
Give Yourself Permission to Do What You Love: Once you find the things you love, do them a lot. The more that you do what you love, the happier and the more satisfied you will be with your life. If you know what you love but you are not doing it, get the support you need to give yourself permission to be happy.
Don't Waste Time Doing Other Things: Why bother doing things that you do not enjoy? Yes, I understand life has some practicalities that need to be addressed, but once they have been attended to-are you still wasting time not doing what you love? If so, start a plan to cut out the things that are not in line with who you want to be or what you love, and then take action.
Slow Down: We can all get a bit ahead of ourselves. It is not about doing more or doing it faster, it is about really enjoying our life. We can't do that if we are moving so fast that we don't even know what is happening. Start by building some real breaks into your schedule.
Pay Attention to What Is Working (Most of the Time): Most of us would benefit from being a bit more positive. There is a place for looking at what is not working, but when we pay attention to what works, we often learn more about it and therefore can have more of it. We also feel better about what we are experiencing. If you see yourself getting negative, find one thing that is working.
Express Gratitude: Being grateful is one of the most effective ways to be happier. When in doubt, find something to appreciate. And don't forget to apply it to yourself!
Learn to Fully Receive: The emphasis on doing that most of us have been enculturated into leaves us less skilled when it comes to receiving. But how can we have a full and rich life if we can't receive it? The next time someone compliments you, take it in.
Ready for more wisdom? Keeping reading Dr. Kate's blog so that you can create the life you desire - and deserve.
Check it out here:
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Thursday, 30 May 2019
The "My Friend John" of Your Hypnosis Business
The My Friend John technique is a thing of beauty. It shows how creative you can be with the hypnotic process.
If you want to hypnotise someone, one way is to describe "your friend's" experience. You talk about how they didn't know what to expect at first but quickly began to relax, a sense of peace spreading through their body...
It's sublime, subtle and something out of fantasy. Like a demon that can be controlled by its name, you can invoke hypnosis simply by describing it.
You can't listen to a story without beginning to live it. If someone tells you about their trip to the dentist, you can see yourself in the waiting room.
Even if you've never been to their dentist, you can imagine what it might have been like.
So when you hear a story that's rich with hypnotic language that describes someone going into trance, it's hard to resist.
It's a beautiful induction.
And it's something you can use to build your business.
If hearing about a trance makes you go into one, then hearing about happy customers makes you want to be one.
This is the awesome power of the testimonial.
Some of you might wonder how that works. A testimonial is just a short message from a client, talking about how good you are. That's not a story, is it?
Well, it can be.
A short message like "you rock!" helps establish your credibility. But the best testimonials are stories. Something like:
"I used to have (common problem X). Then I (used solution Y). Now I have (result Z)."
It might not win any prizes, but it's a story. It has a beginning, a process of transformation and an end.
And anyone with the same problem is going to walk that journey with them. The story describing the solution primes them for it.
You can talk until you're croaky about how good you are. A few lines from a client - a "real person" - can be far more compelling.
But if testimonials are messages from clients about you, then how do you control what they say?
That's the easy part:
You ask.
If you do a great job, many people will be happy to write or record a testimonial. The thing is that they won't know what to write. Offering that as a template - problem X, solution Y, results Z - takes a lot of the hassle out of it.
The easier it is for them to write or record, the more likely they are to do it.
Make sure you ask how comfortable they are with sharing their details. The best testimonials include the client's full name, photo, occupation and town of residence. Include as much of that as they're comfortable sharing.
And remember that quantity has a quality of its own. A hundred decent testimonials make great convincers, too.
So be bold and ask for them whenever you can. A world's worth of persuasion is waiting if you do.
There's more to testimonials than this, though. Even flattering comments can undermine your business.
And, if you're clever, complaints can improve your brand.
It's all about how you use them.
How do you know if you're doing yourself any favours? How do you use testimonials with skill and finesse?
You take charge of your digital domain by reaching out:
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Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Punch It!
When you really want it, change is very easy. When you do not want it, change is seemingly infinitely hard. When I say the words in my title "punch it!", I write about the changes really wanted by a person fully and succinctly and nothing else, not what is not wanted. Sure, training for that instant change can take years. The instant change though is just that when conditioned enough, it is instant. It is instant as throwing a switch to activate a mechanism or pushing a button to get a complicated result prepared for.
Recently, I faced this reality of change in my life that happened in an instant, although I spent years preparing for it. I thought to myself, all of this preparation for a change that happened in a few minutes of things done. It came down to an attitude, not so much a fixed reality.
Okay, I decided to be a total optimist and not let any negativity or fear affect me in the fullest sense. Although I still take my antidepressant medication/antipsychotic medication prescribed by my doctor, I look at the world fully differently and I take full responsibility for my reality instead of letting it lead me around. I live with full tilt understanding of what it takes to live reasonably from the ground up. That is the shift, lever or button I am punching. I am all right with it all within myself however it happens. I am all right with the up, down and all around with the roller coaster of life as long as I can have a great attitude about it. That is all.
So, when I say the words "punch it!", that is exactly what I mean. "Keep a great attitude above the vicissitudes, and you will ultimately get somewhere great" is said, but I can now fully and honestly, with total transparency mean it all in the fullest, most real and meaningful way. I got that "keep a great attitude above the vicissitudes" saying from Beverly "Zig" Ziglar. Also, I got the "punch it!" idea from a Bruce Greenwood/Captain Christopher Robin Pike line in the 2009 "Star Trek" movie with Chris Pine as James Tiberius Kirk. Seriously though folks, when it comes to an idea whose time has come, all that can be done is to punch it literally in that sense when really thought about. Indeed, even without my medication, I can understand that I would have the same viewpoint about life, after all, reality is an attitude anyway, not a fixed state based on some "sense" of perfection. So, that brings me down to this:
We all have the same luck ultimately, just different viewpoints and attitudes about it that validate or invalidate it. Fortunes are made and not given to us through our attitudes and actions, and nothing else. Agree or disagree, the honest facts always work when it comes down to it, and nothing else does the job, especially dishonesty and fear of anything. So, change is as simple as a "Punch" when it really wants and needs to happen, when it does not want or need to happen succinctly and powerfully, that is the complication. After all, what do you think that guy I met running at El Segundo City/Dockweiler State Beach meant in a certain book and a certain audio recording series he wrote a few years later by create a compelling life/create a compelling future and unleash the power within and all of those seemingly ridiculous slogans?
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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Friday, 24 May 2019
Success in Life: What Famous People's Lives Reveal
Great German composer Ludwig van Beethoven went through a bad period of his life around the age of 32 because he had become totally deaf. Contemplating suicide, he wrote his will. But later he overcame his hearing problem, was recognized as one of the greatest composers of all time - he wrote nine insuperable symphonies - and became a celebrated member of Viennese society.
Napoleon provides another such an example. During the years 1792 to 1809, he conquered almost all of Europe, was crowned Emperor of France, and lived a life full of grandeur, triumph, and success. But then things reversed: Napoleon lost all he had achieved, he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, and he was exiled ultimately to the remote island of St. Helena.
Those two examples of alternations of seasons from good to bad ones and vice versa in the lives of famous people are not the only ones. Lots of more others show the same alternations in the famous people's lives, as indicated in detail in a book I have written which you will see below. More important is however, that the seasons of famous people alternate from good to bad and vice versa according to a certain pattern. A good season gives its place to a bad one at a given moment, and a bad season gives its place to a good one also at a given moment - and so on. In the book I explain in detail that pattern.
The existence of that pattern radically transforms the way we all live today, and helps us to live a much better life. The moment you've finished reading the book, you'll be able to learn whether the years just ahead are good or bad for you, and how long this season will last. You'll be able thus to act accordingly: if there is a storm on the horizon, you'll take shelter in time; if sunny days loom ahead, you'll take advantage of it before the opportunity passes. In short, you'll be able to take crucial decisions regarding your career, marriage, family, relationships, and all other life's issues.
You will see among other things, why you mustn't be seized by despair and pessimism when you are in a bad season - fearing that this season will never end. Winston Churchill, for example, failed his exams in school again and again when he was in a bad season of his life, and at a moment of another of his bad seasons he said: "I am done, I am finished." But later he became prime minister of his country.
You will also see why you can dare when you are in a good season - fate is with you. Christopher Columbus, for example, succeeded in discovering the New World since he was in a good season of his life, despite of the fact that almost everybody - the Spanish royal council included - was skeptical and had rejected his idea.
There are many other benefits deriving from the pattern the seasons alternate in the lives of famous people, as you will see in detail in the book.
The book is titled "THE SEASONS OF OUR LIVES" and it contains the biographies of the 22 most famous people of all ages. You can find the book for FREE on my website
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Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Busting Myths About Who Can Be Hypnotised
Out there in the halls of science are a few studies about who can be hypnotised and who can't. They run through some experiments on a random sample of the population and crunch the numbers. At the end, they say something like:
"20% of people can't be hypnotised!"
And because it's Science, people take it and run with it. I even saw one news article describe this as "science proving the obvious".
If you think it's 'obvious' that not everyone can be hypnotised, then hold onto your hats.
Because those studies showing so many people are somehow immune to hypnosis?
They have, to put it politely, flawed methodologies.
In simple English, they're wrong.
Here's how they come up with that number:
A researcher - usually an academic, rarely an experienced hypnotist - records a hypnotic script. If someone listens to it and follows the suggestions, then they're hypnotised. The suggestion is usually to do something noticeable, like lifting their arm at a certain time.
20% or so of people listening to it don't respond, therefore they aren't hypnotisable.
A few nitpicks:
1) Just because they didn't follow the suggestion, doesn't mean they weren't hypnotised.
2) Just because they weren't hypnotised, doesn't mean they're not hypnotisable.
2) Just because they weren't hypnotised, doesn't mean they're not hypnotisable.
Both of these are obvious to any hypnotist with real-world experience.
Like, for example, Dr Richard Bandler - renowned psychologist, hypnotist and co-creator of neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
He takes great delight in taking unhypnotisable people and dropping them into trance within minutes. In one of his many books, he says 100% of people he's met are hypnotisable.
That 100% likely includes you, unless you have a strange brain mutation making you different from other humans.
You might have an anecdote saying otherwise. Maybe you say a hypnotherapist or got on stage with a comedy hypnotist and it didn't work.
My first point would be, if you only have one experience with hypnosis, how do you know it didn't work? Maybe you were hypnotised even though you ignored the suggestion.
Or maybe you weren't. Just as everyone can be hypnotised, everyone can resist it. I've resisted trance from some of the greatest hypnotists in the world - and I'm certainly hypnotisable.
All I know is it's much better to go along with the experience. To surrender just enough control to enter a new part inside of you.
To be open enough to change your mind - more literally than most people mean by that.
If you're breathing, you're hypnotisable.
And this is great news, because you can use hypnosis to improve your life.
The easiest way is to listen to the hypnotic audios I offer here. You can access more hypnotic content you're likely to listen to in a year - and I can't offer much more value than that.
It's all here:
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