Monday, 22 July 2019

6 Essential Considerations, To Give A Great Presentation

Whether, one needs to give a presentation, for business purposes, or for other reasons, or, if he wants to be a meaningful, effective, inspiring, motivating leader, doesn't it make sense, to understand, and consider, some of the necessities of doing so, effectively? How often, have you listened to someone, and been far less than inspired, or motivated, and thought, the presenter, could make a far better approach, etc? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 essential considerations, in order to be able, and more capable, of giving a far better, more effective presentation.
1. Determine overall topic: Before preparing, how to present your information, do your homework, and fully consider, and determine all aspects of your selected topic, and/ or, subject matter! Why would you select a particular idea, etc? How does it relate to your audience/ attendees? Why would others want to attend, and how might it, relate to the potential attendees?
2. What are the main points, you wish to communicate, and why?: Always be prepared, before you make your presentation! What topics are the most important, and how might you, articulate and communicate these, effectively, and in an inspiring, motivating way? Choose wisely, and restrict, the number of topics. Be sure, they all relate, and are important, to those, you present, to!
3. How will you begin?: The potential success, and impact, of your presentation, is often, determined, by how you begin! You will either attract, and entertain, your audience, or lose their attention! Some start with a joke, or a story, etc, but, what's most important, is to, begin by explaining, in a compelling way, what you will be explaining, the goals, and your hopes and aspirations, for what, you believe, they might take away, from the experience. Be prepared, from the start, because, you only get one chance, to make a first impression!
4. How will you end?: Always leave them, wanting more! Don't over - present, or you will risk, boring them! Close, by summarizing, getting their input, and thanking them, for being such a great audience!
5. How will you involve attendees?: Be proactive, and interactive. The more, you get others involve, and address their perceptions, needs, and priorities, the better, you will be received! You should always, seek to, leave them, feeling, their time, was well - spent!
6. What aids, might make sense?: Consider visual aids, participation, role - playing, etc, and which, might make you, more capable, of making your point! Use these aids, to make the presentation more interesting, understandable, and compelling, and not, merely, as some sort of meaningless exercise!
If you hope to make a quality, effective presentation, take the time, to prepare effectively, and focus, on the main message, you want to communicate. Combine, being entertaining, with informative, and you'll be, well, on your way, to getting the best results!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

Article Source:,-To-Give-A-Great-Presentation&id=10149468

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