Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Forgiveness: An Important Key to Unleash the Law of Attraction

Negative energy blocks the flow of positive energy; so in a similar fashion, negative emotions hinder positive events from entering into our lives. Realizing this, and the fact that it is impossible to prevent negative events (i.e. life challenges) from entering our lives altogether - or else there would be no point for a spirit to incarnate if it were never challenged - how can we limit the amount of time negative emotions have an impact on our daily lives?
Negative energy generally involves pain, and pain is often associated with anger and hard feelings; regret for having conducted some action or having been the recipient of a painful action by others. This usually means there is an event that we, as humans, did not like and our fixation on that event creates a well of negative energy that continues to affect our lives and blocks our ability to attract positive energy moving forward as we fixate on that negative event from our past (or present).
The best way to release the pain and negative energy we harbor from the past is to forgive, meaning we must forgive both those people and situations that hurt us, but more importantly we must also forgive ourselves. This may sound counterintuitive, but we cannot give to others what we, ourselves, do not possess. If we don't forgive ourselves, then we cannot forgive others. Similarly, we cannot love others if we don't love ourselves. (Sure, we might feel infatuation and desire or even jealous possession, but we won't feel true, unconditional love.) You can extend this out to just about any positive emotion: We can only feel proud of others when we feel healthy pride of ourselves. And we can only feel respect towards others when we respect ourselves. In this way, we share good, positive emotions and energy by extending the positive feelings that we hold for ourselves to enrich the lives of the people and world around us. But let's return to the discussion of overcoming energy blocks.
Just as our bodies will heal physical injuries, our consciousness wants to heal emotional injuries as well. We can heal those inner, emotional injuries by releasing the pent-up negative energy surrounding those injuries. We accomplish this release of negative energy by forgiving. In order to forgive, we must face the issue and own it. We must acknowledge that the challenge, no matter how painful, served a purpose for our soul's development during our life plan. However, we assert that from this point forward the negative energy associated with that event, which we have been carrying around with us - perhaps for far too long - no longer serves our developmental needs. We therefore choose to leave the situation behind and, in doing so, we first THANK the universe for the lesson imparted, then forgive ourselves and the people or events surrounding the pain, and finally, we envision a release of connectionsbetween our current state and the past, both the event and the people. We no longer have a need to fixate on those painful memories of the past because they have served their purpose and we have forgiven and released the negative energy. By releasing the connections, we relieve our mind from continuing to fixate on the past and allow the negative energy block to be released (or at least bypassed) so positive energy can again enter our lives.
Forgiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves. It releases us from a pain-filled past, allows positive emotions to once again enter our lives, and enables us to shape our abundant and successful tomorrows. Therefore, don't underestimate the power of forgiveness.
Wade is the author of The Hidden Truth: A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life, available at Amazon. The first half of the book can be downloaded for free at and

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