Friday 18 October 2019

What is Healing? - Teal Swan

Therapy: Why Don't Some People Heal?
There are, of course, a number of reasons as to why someone would end up having therapy or working with a healer. For example, they could be in a position where they have mental and emotional problems, their relationships might not be going as they want them to go and/or they may have only been able to get so far in life.
No matter what is going on for them, they would have done the right thing by reaching out for support. Simply tolerating what they are going through and suffering in silence wouldn't have served them.
The First Step
During their first session, they will be able to open about what has been going on for them. Perhaps one has a rough idea as to why their life is the way it is or it could be a total mystery.
If it is a mystery, the therapist/healer may ask them a number of different questions in order to get a better idea of what is going on for them. This might be something that takes up most of the session or it might not take long at all.
One Challenge
So, let's say that one has mental and emotional problems; it could become clear that they have experienced trauma. This may have been something that they experienced in their adult life or it could go back even further.
Once this has become clear, they could end up working through what happened and start to integrate what took place. There can be the beliefs that need to be brought to the light and questioned and the emotional pain that needs to be processed, for instance.
Another Challenge
If ones relationships are not in a good way, what could gradually become clear is that they don't value themselves. Maybe their younger years were a time when they were not given the love that they needed.
After this has been established, this could be a time when they will look into the thoughts that they experience and the beliefs they are carrying. One can then start to change the thoughts that run through their mind and the beliefs that they have.
A Different Challenge
Then again, if one has only been able to get so far in life, it could also show that they don't value themselves. As with the case above, their early years may have been a time when they were not given the support and encouragement that they needed to develop in the right way.
After this has been discovered, they may also look into the thoughts that they have and what they believe. Changing both of these things, along with their behaviour can be the next thing that takes place.
A Straight Forward Process
Regardless of which of these challenges someone has, once they have started to work on what is taking place inside them, their life may begin to change. They will then have located what the blocks were and they will be doing what they need to do to work through them.
Thanks to how responsive they are to what is taking place, they might not need many sessions. They will have wanted to move forward and the fact that their life is changing will prove this.
Another Scenario
However, although someone can have the desire to change their life, it doesn't mean that their life will actually change. Thanks to having mental emotional problems, relationships problems or trouble moving forward in life, they will have reached out for support but, they may find that they only get so far
This can be a time when they will change their thoughts and beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and work through trauma, for instance. One will then be doing a number of things, and even have an endless amount of sessions, yet it will be as if they are not doing anything.
As a result of this, one can end up experiencing fair amount of frustration and they can wonder if their life will ever change. If they felt powerless in the beginning, they could feel extremely powerless now.
At this stage, they might start to think about if someone or something out there is holding them back. They will want to move forward, so they will believe that what is going on doesn't have anything to do with them.
A Deeper Look
Now, while they will want their life to change, it doesn't mean that ever part of their being is on board with this. In other words, another part of them may believe that their survival would be put at risk if their life was to change.
What this comes down to is that the only way that one will be able to change their life is if they feel safe enough to do so. This means that they will have to feel safe at the core of their being; without this, they will only get so far.
Two Levels
Another way of looking at this would be to say that consciously they want one thing but unconsciously they want something else. Until their unconscious mind is on board with what their conscious mind wants, they won't be able to transform their life.
If they were able to take a step back and to connect with what it taking place at a deeper level, they may find that they have a fear of being harmed and/or abandoned. Experiencing life as they are will be painful, but changing their life will be seen as something that would be even more painful.
If one can relate to this, it will be essential for them to gradually work through the trauma that is being held in their body. It could take a little while for this to take place, yet this will most likely be what liberates them.
What they fear will happen, if their life changes, is likely to be something that did happen when they were younger. Ultimately, the more integrated they become and the safer they feel in their own body, the easier it will be for them to change their life.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
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Wednesday 9 October 2019

Rocky speaks to his son about life

Make Your Inner Critic Pay Rent
I know plenty of people who struggle with meditation. They'll say something like it doesn't interest them, they can't sit still, or they gave it a go and it didn't work.
It might even be true.
But for many people, they don't like coming face-to-face with that voice inside your mind. You know the one I mean - the one that whispers horrible things to you about your looks, talents, successes, failures, prospects and worthiness to keep breathing.
The sorts of things you'd never say to another person, even your worst enemy.
It's always there, anticipating your mistakes, just waiting for the chance to laugh at you.
So if this voice, or the deeper well of anxiety and insecurity it comes from, won't leave you alone, then it's time to take control.
But you don't gain control by fighting it.
Think of this inner critic like a neighbouring kingdom... with an enormous army. Much stronger than yours. If you fight it head on, not only will it not work, but you'll hand it even more real estate and power.
How would you fight such an adversary?
With kindness and curiosity.
Don't think of these as soft. It takes real strength to say, with full kindness, "really? I don't think that's true - what makes you so sure?"
Especially to someone attacking you, and even if that someone is you.
These can give you control over the volume... or maybe its air supply. If you're patient, you can starve it out.
But you're right to not want to settle for that.
After all, I bet it's been hassling you for a long, long time. Driving it from its home - your head - is too good for it.
It's about time it compensated you for it.
Why shouldn't it? Should this, the worst tenant of all time, be allowed to live anywhere rent-free? Especially some real estate as valuable as your noggin?
Surely not.
Maybe it's time you demand your inner critic starts paying its share. And not just paying rent from now on, either. It owes you plenty of backpay, not to mention all the damages it needs to cover.
There's no need to evict it. Show it mercy, bring it into line and put it to work.
Because this voice sure is creative. It used to have fun concocting the worst-case scenarios for you.
So use that creativity. Make it devise best-case scenarios instead... with a plan to get there.
And you know it's persistent, so use that too.
If it wants to keep scrutinising your life, let it find the ways you're doing well. Allow it to offer constructive suggestions for improvement.
Heck, you can put a leash on the inner critic and walk it round the block if you want.
After all, it's yours. No one else can tell you what to do with it, not even that voice.
Silencing it frees up a surprising amount of mental resources. That alone makes you feel smarter, faster, cleaner and happier. When you turn those resources to your own needs, you feel even better.
You can begin that simple self-improvement technique now.
And enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
If you really want to take your mind to new places? To improve more you dreamed possible?
You might want to read about this mind training program:

Friday 4 October 2019

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Unconsciousness: A Wise Choice?

Recently, I was reading that most of our consciousness is under the surface of our conscious being. As in, our lives are mostly ran unconsciously, and consciousness has very little to do with it all except to be an irritant at time to the smooth running of those unconscious processes such as heartbeat, breathing and the like. Also, habits are more unconscious than anything. In fact, I can honestly say that consciousness is a small factor and unconscious habit is the largest factor there is in changing situations in life or keeping them going as they are.
Some of the greatest feats of genius in fact stem and are rooted from the unconscious levels upward. Sure, we seem to come up with the ideas consciously and work downward from that level, but the paradoxical is real: Ideas work from the conscious out, no more, not any less either.
Thomas Edison said that "ideas come from space", he's only half right. I will fill in the blanks with this one: Ideas come from space, and they are reverse engineered from there in reality. The fantasy is that the ideas are original to consciousness.
Without mincing words, in a way, I agree with Julian Jaynes's theory of consciousness that it originates from a certain way of using the brain, and is not organic, but, the deeper parts of consciousness are subconscious or unconscious energies that are deeper than that use of the brain that we call consciousness and they are organic, deeply organic right down to being the ultimate force of nature. I'll even say that those unconscious parts are the God levels of consciousness that really control everything, and that consciousness is the genuine tip of the iceberg in it all, although it may seem to some to be the other way around about that.
So, I will answer to an extent, the rhetorical question I posed in the title. Total unconsciousness of habit is not a wise choice, and consciousness does fill in the gaps left by that unconsciousness. But to be useful, the consciousness must harmonize with the unconscious levels to really work for us in beneficial ways. After all, going against nature, and thinking that consciousness is independent from nature could be the most destructive way to live. After all, what do you think I understood my Dad to really mean by his pet saying: "Scientist, if you can take the place of God, create me some dirt from 'pure scratch'."
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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