Saturday, 31 August 2019
Do You Want To Understand Yourself Or To Simply Feel Better?
If someone is in a position where they experience a fair amount of anxiety or don't feel good about themselves, they can go one of two ways. Either they can look for a way to change how they feel or they can look into why they experience life in this way and what they can do once they have found out.
When it comes to the first approach, ones main priority will be to change how they experience life. As a result of this, it might not matter how this happens as long as their life changes.
A Miserable Existence
One may have experienced life in this way for a quite some time, and this may mean that they have got to the point where they are no longer willing to tolerate it. If they have anxiety problems, they could end up going on some type of medication.
Going to see their doctor will then have been the first step that they took and this will have been what was recommended. Alternatively, one could end up working with someone who is trained in cognitive behavioural therapy.
A New Life
If they do end up going on medication, it might not be long until they start to settle down and are able to live a 'normal' life. They will still be living on the same planet but it could seem as though they are somewhere else.
On the other hand, if they have cognitive behavioural therapy, it also might not be long until they feel relaxed. Their inner world will have changed, which will cause them to experience life differently.
The Same
If they have gone on medication, they probably won't have a deeper understanding of why their life was the way it was. And, even if one was told that a 'chemical imbalance' was the reason why their life was the way it was, it is unlikely to have increased their self-knowledge.
Yet, if they ended up having cognitive behavioural therapy, it could be said that they will have a deeper understanding of themselves. Nonetheless, this might only go as far as the affect that their thoughts have on them.
A Different Route
When it comes to the second approach, one will want to change how they experience life but it won't be the only thing that is on their mind. In addition to this, they will want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
Now, this could be because they are not in too much pain; then again, it might not be this black and white. They may believe that the only way for them to actually change their life is for them to understand why it is the way that it is.
On The Path
Through being this way, their life is not just going to consist of pleasure and pain - it will also include going to greater depths of their own being and gaining self-knowledge. Consequently, one may believe that what is going on for them is not something that needs to be changed or removed.
Instead, what is taking place could be seen as sign that something inside them is not right and needs to be looked at. Simply focusing on a symptom - or a number of symptoms - is then not going to interest them.
Going Deeper
So if one has an anxiety problem, what they could find is that this is because they have experienced trauma. Their whole being will be in survival mode, with this being the reason why they can't settle down.
Resolving this trauma most likely won't be easy or even pain free, but at least they will be able to deal with what is going on at the root and to gain a deeper understanding of themselves in the process. They will be doing what they need to do to reacquaint themself with themself.
Final Thoughts
If one is not in a good way and they want to gain a deeper understanding of why this is, they may need to reach out for the assistance of a therapist or healer. This can be a time when they will take a deeper look into what is taking place.
Along with this, one can look into what is going on at a deeper level. Thanks to the internet, there is plenty on information available that will allow one to understand themselves better.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to -
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Friday, 30 August 2019
How Helping Others Helps You
There's no doubt that helping people has been my life for many years. Right from the time when I was a programmer at British Aerospace and used to help my friends debug their programs to my business working with Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins as their business coach across the world.
The Huffington Post even reports on research that shows you're happier when you're helping people at work! More research also shows you live longer by contributing to others.
Of course, when I set out on my career I didn't know this research! I just loved to help people, which unfortunately when I started my own business meant I did a lot of work for nothing.
I learned my lesson - no food on the table - pretty quickly. However, that's never stopped me from helping people anyway.
The most exciting thing I found when I'm in the middle of something with other people is when they realize they can do more than they thought. A really lovely factor in coaching.
However, ultimately I realized I was only helping a small fraction of the number of people who could benefit from the knowledge and tools I had. So I wrote a short book (called Leap Ahead of Your Competitors) that was intended to help all the smaller companies with marketing and running a business. Because I wanted the maximum number of people to benefit I used to hand it out for free to those who couldn't afford my coaching but I knew would benefit from its contents.
Then I thought, part of the journey for any entrepreneur or business person is personal growth. A topic that is unseen but makes a huge difference to people, their families and people they know. So I decided to create a Facebook group called Personal Growth Tips to help people with their personal growth. If you'd like to take a peek it's at
Again, I didn't want to charge because my intention is to help as many people as possible to improve their current situations, but more than that I wanted their kids to benefit too. At the same time I know I'm not the fount of all personal growth knowledge! So I wanted to create a community that would help each other and grow together.
So, like I say the group is free to join and I'm looking at everyone who knows me to see who wants to grow and helps others do the same.
Here's the link to the Huffington Post article:
Jim Symcox coaches businesses around the world. He's also a copywriter, blogger and the author of "How to Leap Ahead Of Your Competitors".
If you'd like to receive actionable personal growth tips each day, check out this new Facebook group I launched called Personal Growth Tips. Here's the link... it's free to join...
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Tuesday, 27 August 2019
One Secret Of Hidden Fear That No One Talks About!
Rita was sitting on her back porch watching the darkness of night creep softly into the heavens. She looked in wonderous awe as the stars began lighting up the sky while dancing with delight. The mountain air soothed her soul. Yet she couldn't find peace.
Reflecting on her past and The Mystery at West Samms, she once again asked God why did this happen?
Rita was desperate to learn the reason and her heart ached with despair. It just didn't make sense that she lost everything she owned to Phantoms of Identity Theft.
Twenty eight years of hard dedicated work along with one million dollars in secure investments, life insurance, bank accounts and lost credit vanished within two weeks. The pain of her 2004 tragedy haunted her.
Rita didn't quit after her loss, she turned her attention to the internet. She learned quickly that there were even more Phantoms with online businesses. What little money she had she invested in every business model she could find. Yet regardless of her hard work and long hours, she just couldn't create a steady flow of money.
Rita built thousands of down-line members and continued to lose because of greed with a few business owners. Moving on she found a global company with excellent reviews and great products. Building a huge down-line this time was easy. And she made money for eight months.
Until she received a call from the CEO of the company that she nor her down-line would receive any commissions. The company abruptly closed its doors and dismantled the business structure. She was devastated.
And this was only the beginning of that online journey, Rita had to rebuild that million dollar nest egg again. She had never intentionally hurt anyone; what kind of Karma is this she asked. Rita prayed daily for answers and received nothing. Her life ruined for what reason?
After the bliss of her evening with nature watching the stars dance in the heavens, Rita once again asked God why her life wasn't working in her favor. She closed her eyes and waited. This time fourteen years later her mind accepted the open door of truth. She recognized her fear. God answered her prayer.
Rita built her million dollar retirement because of the fear of living on social security. This driven fear not only created a loss, but continued that loss for years to come.
Now at the age of sixty-seven Rita was living on Social Security. Her emotional passion of fear created exactly what fear does, it manifested itself into her reality and didn't leave.
Do you have a deep seeded fear? If so, please read these words carefully. Emotions manifest what we feel, not what we want.
Our emotions create our success or failure in life. Our subconscious mind totally believes what our conscious mind tells us. In Rita's life her emotional fear of living on Social Security was real and that's exactly what her subconscious mind brought to her.
One of my biggest goals in life is helping as many people as possible understand that they have the power to make their life as they want it to be. You can become whatever you set your mind to. And just like many of you, I have spent years searching for a fulfilled happy life. Join me in team spirit and meet some of the most amazing people who have experienced the good and the bad choices and moved forward to success. I write their stories. Find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Referral Key or contact me through Financial Freedom Site.
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5 Reasons Why You Should Read Books More
Modern lifestyles are hectic and a huge number of people rarely find time to relax and probably even open an interesting book for a read. With videos and games keeping everyone busy and occupied, books have been neglected by many yet they are some of the best sources of knowledge and can even help in improving your life.
Technological advancements have opened up the possibilities of actually downloading books to your device and reading whenever and wherever at your own pace. You no longer need to make your way to a book store to find a book that you like because you can easily access PDF books and even enjoy free downloads. Creating time for a nice read can be beneficial in more ways than one and below are some of the top reasons why you should embrace more book reading and include it in your schedule.
1. Reading helps improve and muscle up your memory
Reading offers the brain a different workout than the usual TV watching or listening to your stereo. When you concentrate reading, then you are able to connect all parts of the brain in a neural circuit that can be challenging and helpful at the same time. Reading is a habit that sparks the brain to concentrate and think and this helps in boosting and improving memory in the end.
2. Reading enhances your smarts
The truth is that people who read more are smarter and have a wider general knowledge compared to those who do not read at all. When you read you will find that your intelligence levels are high and you remain sharp and focused too. You will also love what reading does to your vocabulary in the long run. Fact is you will learn more when you read than when you sit and watch a movie.
3. It keeps the brain young
Reading is a creative and intellectual activity that slows down cognitive decline that comes with age. The pursuit makes your brain more efficient and changes its structure so it is able to continue functioning properly even as age sets in. Reading and other brain engaging activities like playing chess and puzzles are also great in reducing the chances of Alzheimer's diseases that is age related. Read more and keep your brain sharp and young.
4. Reading works great in reducing stress
Nothing can be worse than sitting and fussing over an issue that is stressing you up. When you pick up a good book, you are able to change your mind gears. You are able to take your mind off things that are troubling you thus greatly reducing stress levels. You will find that your mind is clearers after a read and this puts you in a better position to handle the situation and make the right decisions.
5. It helps in prioritizing life goals
Books that are about characters overcoming obstacles can end up motivating you to meet your own life goals. Identifying and relating with the characters and what they are going through helps you get into your own situation and helps you come up with great strategies of meeting the goals you have for your life.
PDF books free download makes it possible for you to read your favorite genres. The downloads make it possible for you read anywhere and at any given time.
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Sunday, 25 August 2019
Ten Steps To Personal Freedom
Most of us go through times in our lives when we learn to live inside self- imposed prisons of our own making and sometimes triggered by the way other people treat us. For instance, a low self-esteem can cripple our ability to function effectively and have an impact on the way we do life.
Social withdrawal and self-neglect can be outward signs of a low self-esteem and sometimes there are more serious consequences including eating disorders and depression. However, a surprising number of people don't think they are worth very much and spend a lot of time trying to bolster or change their perception of themselves by adapting their body image, going on crash diets, doing drugs and getting involved in heavy drinking. Most of us have become experts on how to use various coping mechanisms as an aid to survival, finding ways of covering up the way things really are.
Restraints placed upon us by those around us can also be debilitating factors in the way we live our lives. It's one thing to have a healthy sense of responsibility for the people around us, it's quite another thing to allow ourselves to be manipulated by others to the point where we feel imprisoned and trapped. A misinformed understanding of the unique value of every human being can have a huge impact on the way we live. If you don't believe you are unique and have a special place in this world with a special purpose to fulfil, then life can become quite pointless and under valued.
It's certainly true that a complicated family background and the way we were raised as children can have a long-term impact on our sense of self-worth, but we should not allow our past to dictate our future.
So here are my Ten Steps To Personal Freedom
1. Make an inventory of your life and count every blessing.
The old saying, "a pessimist sees the glass half empty; the optimist sees the glass half full and the engineer thinks that the glass is twice the size it should be," can be applied to the way we live our lives. Take time out to think about the good things in life, not the negative things. Focus on the positive. That doesn't mean we live in cloud cuckoo land and pretend that everything is OK when we know it isn't. It does mean that dwelling on the positive can have a profound effect on our attitude to life, relationships, love and life.
2. Create your own personal space and spend 10 minutes each day in silence
Mindfulness is becoming more and more popular because people are realising that in our frantic lives, we need time to be quiet and be refreshed in body, mind and spirit. Having time each day to relax and reflect can have a positive affect on our health and well-being.
3. Remember your value is counted in who you are, not what you do.
I was brought up with a conventional business diary and spent every waking moment trying to fill it with stuff. People too easily find their self-worth in what they do rather than in who they are. This is a big mistake and often the reason why people fall apart when the retire from working life. If other people only value you for what you do, they are not true friends.
4. Do not open the door to every opportunity that knocks.
If you are like me, you will have hundreds of files, eBooks, courses and business opportunities that you thought were a good idea at the time, but the reality is, you have never looked at most of them! Learning to be focussed enables you to be free from the shackles of endlessly striving after the next big thing, and never actually hitting the mark.
5. Get the right people around you in supportive partnerships.
If you mix with negative people who are always complaining and moaning about everything under the sun, that attitude will rub off on you too. That's no way to live your life. We are surrounded by bad stuff, things that can go wrong. But dwelling on these things will result in your life grinding to a halt and going nowhere.
6. Choose a mentor and speak about life and business once each month.
Find someone you can trust, and be ready for some mutual sharing of visions and dreams. This can be tremendously life-affirming, when you can find someone who relates to your aspirations for life and will encourage you to stay focussed and on the straight and narrow in order to reach your goals.
7. Set aside one clear day each week for relaxation.
It's built-in to the way we function most effectively as human beings. We need at least one day off each week, that way your working and activity time will be much more productive and fruitful.
8. Don't be afraid to fall in love - with the right person!
Love has become a dirty word in Western culture. It's been cheapened by endless Soap Opera's and "reality TV" shows. We so easily buy into the myth and end up in another self-imposed prison. However, finding love which is unconditional with someone who is your soul mate, is a wonderful thing. Many of us have been hurt by relationships that went wrong. And this can prevent us from trusting anyone again. Don't let negative experiences affect your openness for mutually loving relationships.
9. Set aside 10% of the money you earn for charity
Seriously! Giving money away to a reputable charity is hugely beneficial, not just for them! There is something very therapeutic about giving with a generous heart to those less fortunate than us. Not giving in a patronising way, but giving out of genuine care.
10. Go on a 2 week Short Term Mission Trip
If you feel trapped by life, take time out to go on a Short Term Mission Trip to a developing country. It will change your life. There are loads of opportunities out there, just make sure you choose a reputable mission agency, which will give you proper orientation training, ways to operate in a different culture with respect and sensitivity.
I could go on! But it's time to stop. Please read my other articles about self-help and life coaching.
Steve Flashman has had many years of experience as a Life Coach based not on theories and abstract ideas, but on his own life experience. He teaches strategies and techniques that will bring transformation to life, love and business. Life Coaching
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Friday, 23 August 2019
Boost Your Creativity Through Practicing Tantra
What does creativity have to do with Tantra? Tantra is a practice that connects us with our inherent creative energy by bringing awareness to our energetic body. There is a current that runs through us all the time and we can use it to fuel all facets of our life. Let's look a little deeper into this concept.
Ancient yogis used the term 'Kundalini' or 'life force' to describe the energy that flows through us. This energy is with us from the moment we are conceived until the time we leave this planet. It is inherently creative in nature since it literally creates life! The very act of conceiving a baby is creative. None of us would be here on this planet, reading this article, without this life-giving energy. Sexual energy, therefore, is life force energy. And through tantric practice we get to learn how to access our life force sexual energy, the essence of life, to imbue every aspect of ourselves.
There are two dimensions to sexual life force energy:
Dimension 1
The first dimension is the creative spark that fuels and sustains us through our entire life.
The first dimension is the creative spark that fuels and sustains us through our entire life.
Dimension 2
The second dimension is pleasure that is built into sexual energy.
The second dimension is pleasure that is built into sexual energy.
Stifling creative energy
Now, what happens when sexual energy is stifled or constricted? We lose access to our creative Self. This is what has been happening over the millennia - the shaming, guilting and making wrong of sexuality that results in being disconnected from a vital force within us.
We are seeing the results of this suppression today through the breakdown of our relationships as it shows up in the Catholic Church, for example, or thorough the #MeToo movement. When sexual energy is repressed, it tends to come out "sideways" in an unhealthy way such as through sexual abuse, assault, and harassment. From a young age people are told, "Don't go to your sexual energy. Don't touch yourself. Wait until you are married." As if suddenly the sexual energy will become available to you then.
Setting your creative self free
The reality is that your sexual energy has always been available to you from the moment you were born. We can feel very pleasurable as babies and children. The simple act of playing can be pleasurable, or even the gentle breeze blowing on your skin. All of this is considered in the range of sexual energy and sensing. But very few people have grown up in an environment that teaches sexual energy as a healthy, beautiful expression of self. Most people do not know how to have a healthy relationship with their sexual life force energy which is why all the breakdowns are occurring.
I remember that my dad called me a whore the first time I had intercourse at the age of 18. While I did not agree with him I was left with a sense of shame and feeling diminished as a woman. It took lots of self-discovery and work to reconnect with my life force energy so that I could learn to imbue my whole life - my health, my well-being, my work - with that wonderful creative essence.
Once I had access again to my creative energy I was able to get clear on what I wanted to dedicate my life to and what I had come for to do on this planet in the first place. Up until that point I had pursued a couple of different careers but not felt passion until I had done my own healing of my sexual wounding and had set myself free. Becoming a Tantra teacher was then the natural expression of my creative spark.
Once sexual life force energy is set free, we can use it to connect to and heal our body, heart and spirit. Then, we can channel this life giving energy throughout our physical and energetic body into our life's pursuits.
If you would like to learn more about how to access and channel your creative life force energy, go to
Dr. Elsbeth Meuth is the co-author of "Sexual Enlightenment: How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love and Intimacy." She is the co-founder and director of the TantraNova Institute in Chicago offering workshop retreats throughout North America, Europe and Australia. She co-produced the bestselling DVD Series Creating Intimacy & Love and was featured on Showtime's documentary series Sexual Healing and the Emmy Award-winning NBC show Starting Over.
Over the past decade, Elsbeth and her partner Freddy Zental have assisted thousands of couples and singles rekindle or expand their intimate and love life.
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Thursday, 15 August 2019
Deal With Your Anger Issues
Have you ever seen a child eagerly awaiting their absentee parent who's coming to take them for a play date? When faced with the dawning realisation that the parent is not coming the child may become defensive or hurt, angrily crying that they hate that parent and wouldn't have gone with them anyway! Is that the truth?
Of course not, they're merely trying to cover up their disappointment and feelings of rejection in order to recover quickly and conceal their distress. Anger is often an alternative to crying or grief and can help us move forward from feeling vulnerable.
As an adult we hope to deal with our anger issues and move onto more effective ways of communicating our feelings. We start to see anger as an unhelpful, inelegant way of conveying our hurt or displeasure and quickly learn that it doesn't resolve matters. It often simply prevents us from moving on. Far better to learn to deal with emotive situations calmly and rationally, rather than let our feelings dictate and get the better of us.
When we find ourselves constantly resorting to anger, unable to deal well with conflict or disappointment we need to concern ourselves with finding other ways to resolve and sort out our anger issues.
Anger can manifest itself in several ways.
- We can be angry with ourselves, feel unworthy, unattractive, unintelligent and follow through with damaging, destructive behaviour like self-harm, bad habits, negative self-talk, so ruining any chance of success with our manner, attitude and approach. People with serious self-anger issues may set themselves gruelling challenges, never feel they've achieved enough or in the right way. Then they punish themselves further with a binge, purge or self-discipline regime.
- Other people can provoke our anger if we feel 'it's all right for them'! In those instances other people may be seen as especially gifted, advantaged or lucky, thus meaning that they have better or unfair chances of good fortune.
- We can be angry at situations and blame our circumstances for our lack of success; they're the reason things don't work out well. You'll hear, 'it's not fair', 'if only', 'I can't start until that's sorted'.
- Inanimate objects can bear the brunt of our anger too. People may kick, throw, stamp on and destroy objects due to their anger. Those items may even get the blame for things not working out!
Some tips to help you deal with your anger issues.
- Start to recognise the triggers, those situations where you find yourself losing control and becoming angry. Is it a look that you've received, a raised eyebrow, a shrug or smirk when you've spoken. Is it being ignored or not allowed to speak? Notice what sparks you off.
- Appreciate that others' reactions are not necessarily about you. There may be times when your behaviour, comment or body language affects the recipient in a provocative way. But we can never really know what's going on in someone else's mind or life. It's important to be respectful and allow all points of view to be heard.
- Ascertain the facts first. Stay calm and ask questions. Find out what's going on, what prompted their words or behaviour. Listen properly and with genuine interest. Avoid second-guessing, finishing their sentences or getting your reply ready before they've finished speaking.
- Respond rather than react. Consider each situation and what you want to achieve, what your desired outcome is. For example, if your car broke down on your way to an important meeting you could kick it, damage it in frustration but it wouldn't solve anything and seeing the damage afterwards would probably make you feel worse. Far better to stay calm and identify what needs to happen to remedy the situation as positively as possible.
- If a relationship is causing you anger issues you could suggest meeting to discuss them. Set a mutually convenient time. A public place can be good as it ensures communication remains civil in tone. Try to identify key areas of upset and own your feelings. Rather than accuse with, 'you make me feel', it's far better to prompt a discussion with, 'when this happens I feel'.
- Avoid lots of examples. They can hi-jack a conversation and rarely achieve anything useful, as you can get side-tracked. Examples seldom help to move the situation along.
- Alternatively writing a letter can be a good way to communicate your feelings. Take as long as necessary to process your thoughts so you're clear about what you want and need to say. It may take days or even weeks so that you're finally happy with the content and tone. This can be an effective way of dealing with someone who's disappeared from your life. Then when it's finished you can either mail it or have a ritual to signify that this phase of your life is finally over.
- A journal can equally be used to write down and work through angry and painful emotions, sometimes being kept in conjunction with counselling and hypnotherapy. Use effective methods to help you understand what the anger's about, what's been causing it. Those insights can improve your ability to communicate your feelings.
- Learning to communicate well can be a difficult process if good communications were not a part of your early years. Some families learned to keep quiet for fear of upsetting a volatile or easily upset family member. Or if a partner is perceived as being intelligent or eloquent, who twists whatever's said so that problems are your fault it can become easier to stay mute. But anger can then erupt as frustration, often over small and trivial things.
- Set your own boundaries in place so you protect yourself and are aware of what you will and won't tolerate. This allows you to gradually communicate how you feel effectively. You've learned not to inflame the situation, yet are able to be firm, fair and clear, keen to empathise and resolve any issues.
- Recognise the part that stress may play in your anger, your warning signs of being tired, irritable, not sleeping well. Let your partner know what you're going through. Good communications can play a major role in helping to deal with your anger issues. Let those closest support you at difficult times.
And remember, once said, things cannot be unsaid. They may be understood and even forgiven, but hurtful, angry words are often difficult to forget.
Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.
She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.
To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit
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Wednesday, 14 August 2019
How to Escape Stress Through Embodiment Practice
Between my first and second years of graduate school, I spent the summer teaching juggling and yoga for Supercamp. This was an innovative camp aimed at helping students discover joy in learning along with tools to enhance their education.
As for my own education, I was overwhelmed and felt out of my league. I was dreading going back to school with the endless requirements of reading and writing. I felt stressed out just thinking about it.
As the summer days faded, I sat on a beautiful deck looking up at the mountains of Kirkwood Meadows near Lake Tahoe with a friend. As I told him of my stress thinking about going back to school, he introduced me to the I Ching and suggested I "consult" it.
The guidance was simple, "MEDITATE." That consultation began my lifelong journey with meditation. Meditation is a form of resourcing, it increases our capacity to be here and now rather than there and then and so much more.
Nonetheless, my journey with meditation has evolved to include practices and processes that generally release the practitioner from long-held patterns while revealing states of awareness that are spacious and uncluttered. They also support the development of authentic CONFIDENCE and EASE of being.
The integration methods used by AAIT practitioners, act as a bi-directional arrow. They can address reactivity or install habits, qualities, and traits that will forward goals. This reactive and proactive attention is like a daily dip in the well, restoring and replenishing.
Below are practices ANYONE who knows how to Google can use to RESOURCE through EMBODIMENT:
- - 3 Minute Breathing Space - this focused meditation comes from Mindfulness-Based Treatments for depression.
- - Ho'oponopono - this collection of phrases can be repeated like a prayer or a mantra as you think of yourself or another. The traditional statements are "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." I add, "I forgive you."
- - Metta - lovingkindness meditation is a luscious way to increase a feeling of connection and lovingkindness towards self and others.
- - Exercise - regularly tending to our bodies with kind attention through exercise is a well-documented means of returning to the well and restore ourselves.
- - Basic PEAT
- - Deep PEAT 4 - Golden Shadow
- - Pair a Day
- - Fingertip Method
- - Integra Protocol
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Sunday, 11 August 2019
Hypnosis: "Money Flows to You" Deep Trance to Attract Wealth. Binaural Beats.
How Hypnosis Can Help You Be More Outgoing
If you'd like to be more confident, charismatic and extraverted, then I have great news. Your personality stems from your brain and that's a flexible thing. You're not 'shy' - you have a set of learned habits and reactions to certain situations. And what you learn, you can unlearn. There's nothing in the rulebook that says you can't learn to be more outgoing.
There's a reason why you aren't as socially daring as you might like. It boils down to a fascinating property of the human brain:
Brains are funny.
And by funny, I mean stupid.
Parties are fun. I don't care if you're an introvert - they're still fun. Unless you hang out with the wrong people. That's a different problem.
There's a social gathering and you don't feel like going. But you have to make an appearance, so you drag yourself there.
Ten minutes later, you're having the time of your life.
It doesn't always work out this way, but it often does.
What causes this? Well, it's a complex, personal thing. But I will say that, often, it's our minds trying to protect us.
Your mind is a capable guardian but sometimes it needs a little... correcting.
Yes, socialising sometimes has left you exhausted. Yes, connecting with people opens you to ridicule. And yes, these are things worth avoiding. I don't disagree with your inner mind on this.
But its so-called solution - to shut down all social interaction - isn't as good as the other solutions. When you have the powers of heightened intuition, incredible charisma and quick thinking, who needs to fear social interactions?
Your mind sometimes thinks it needs to. Does this make them naïve or wise?
Well, which way is the wind blowing?
In general, your mind is excellent at protecting you. Part of you constantly scans the world for physical danger. Another part searches for social dangers - ridicule, threats to your status, that sort of thing. These parts of you learn from your experiences. If you learn that being outgoing is too risky, then you're less likely to do it.
Unlearning things like this is easier than you think.
If you can imagine wooing a crowd of strangers, then you know how to do it. On some level you think, "If I smile like this and gesture like that, they'll go weak at the knees." But on the same level, you also think, "But I'd better not."
You can change that, if you want to. Your inner guardian can learn how to protect you from threats, not opportunities. It's the same process as learning anything else - know what you want, figure out how to do it and practice.
There's a shortcut, though. If you want to unlearn the old habits and really embrace a bolder personality, then hypnosis is like your brain going under the knife. A few snips and the unwanted thoughts dissolve. It operates at the level of your inner mind, speaking a language it understands.
A new world is waiting for you. It's on the other side of the moment where you turn your focus inwards.
Check out how:
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Saturday, 10 August 2019
Four Tips To Strengthen Your Memory
Your memory does not magically improve without some effort on your part. These four tips take a bit of practice and focus. However, the dividends outweigh the time it takes to make them habitual.
1. Let's say that you believe, and constantly remind yourself, that you are terrible at remembering names. Ask yourself:
a) Did you focus intently on the person as they introduced themselves? Did you correctly hear their name?
b) Did you repeat their name back to them?
c) Make a remark about the name. (It is the same as a friend's name, or you never heard that name before, and so forth.)
d) Did you associate something ridiculous and memorable to their face that will help you remember their name? For example, let's say that their name is Noseworthy. You may imagine a huge nose on their face; it's worthy of being noticed. As absurd as this may sound, the mind loves to think in pictures. The more ludicrous the association is then the easier it is to remember.
e) Be courageous, and introduce them to a colleague.
f) Use their name more than once in conversation. (Don't overdo it.)
e) Use their name when you leave.
2. Suppose that you want to buy food for supper. You are great at writing lists; you are terrible at leaving your lists at home, or misplacing them. Here is a simple tip. Chunk your list of items into categories. The mind loves to chunk things and finds it easier to recall.
a) Dairy: milk, butter, eggs
b) Vegetables: beans, carrots, beets
c) Meat: hamburger, chicken, steak
3. How do you remember how to spell difficult words? For this example, you may pick the word "believe". Did you learn in school, "Never beLIEve a LIE?"
The same idea works for piece-"a PIEce of PIE".
This applies to remembering how to spell similar words.
"To be stationAry is to stAnd still, or "To use stationEry is to writE a lEtter".
"A princiPAL at a school is your PAL, and a principLE you believe is a ruLE".
Have you used these?
4. Let's say that you are studying for an exam, and that you have to memorize the periodic table of elements. Research the mnemonic used to memorize it. Chances are that someone has creatively come up with a mnemonic for most things that you are studying. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Do what works.
Never believe that because you are older that your memory has declined. It is not a matter of age, but rather a matter of use. Pride yourself on practicing these four approaches. Friends and family may comment on how much your memory has improved!
Best wishes.
Kathleen Boucher, CEO of Great Kids & Me,, Practice these four simple techniques for improving your memory. Feel good about yourself! Practice and focus are key!
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Friday, 9 August 2019
Ten Steps To Personal Freedom
Most of us go through times in our lives when we learn to live inside self- imposed prisons of our own making and sometimes triggered by the way other people treat us. For instance, a low self-esteem can cripple our ability to function effectively and have an impact on the way we do life.
Social withdrawal and self-neglect can be outward signs of a low self-esteem and sometimes there are more serious consequences including eating disorders and depression. However, a surprising number of people don't think they are worth very much and spend a lot of time trying to bolster or change their perception of themselves by adapting their body image, going on crash diets, doing drugs and getting involved in heavy drinking. Most of us have become experts on how to use various coping mechanisms as an aid to survival, finding ways of covering up the way things really are.
Restraints placed upon us by those around us can also be debilitating factors in the way we live our lives. It's one thing to have a healthy sense of responsibility for the people around us, it's quite another thing to allow ourselves to be manipulated by others to the point where we feel imprisoned and trapped. A misinformed understanding of the unique value of every human being can have a huge impact on the way we live. If you don't believe you are unique and have a special place in this world with a special purpose to fulfil, then life can become quite pointless and under valued.
It's certainly true that a complicated family background and the way we were raised as children can have a long-term impact on our sense of self-worth, but we should not allow our past to dictate our future.
So here are my Ten Steps To Personal Freedom
1. Make an inventory of your life and count every blessing.
The old saying, "a pessimist sees the glass half empty; the optimist sees the glass half full and the engineer thinks that the glass is twice the size it should be," can be applied to the way we live our lives. Take time out to think about the good things in life, not the negative things. Focus on the positive. That doesn't mean we live in cloud cuckoo land and pretend that everything is OK when we know it isn't. It does mean that dwelling on the positive can have a profound effect on our attitude to life, relationships, love and life.
2. Create your own personal space and spend 10 minutes each day in silence
Mindfulness is becoming more and more popular because people are realising that in our frantic lives, we need time to be quiet and be refreshed in body, mind and spirit. Having time each day to relax and reflect can have a positive affect on our health and well-being.
3. Remember your value is counted in who you are, not what you do.
I was brought up with a conventional business diary and spent every waking moment trying to fill it with stuff. People too easily find their self-worth in what they do rather than in who they are. This is a big mistake and often the reason why people fall apart when the retire from working life. If other people only value you for what you do, they are not true friends.
4. Do not open the door to every opportunity that knocks.
If you are like me, you will have hundreds of files, eBooks, courses and business opportunities that you thought were a good idea at the time, but the reality is, you have never looked at most of them! Learning to be focussed enables you to be free from the shackles of endlessly striving after the next big thing, and never actually hitting the mark.
5. Get the right people around you in supportive partnerships.
If you mix with negative people who are always complaining and moaning about everything under the sun, that attitude will rub off on you too. That's no way to live your life. We are surrounded by bad stuff, things that can go wrong. But dwelling on these things will result in your life grinding to a halt and going nowhere.
6. Choose a mentor and speak about life and business once each month.
Find someone you can trust, and be ready for some mutual sharing of visions and dreams. This can be tremendously life-affirming, when you can find someone who relates to your aspirations for life and will encourage you to stay focussed and on the straight and narrow in order to reach your goals.
7. Set aside one clear day each week for relaxation.
It's built-in to the way we function most effectively as human beings. We need at least one day off each week, that way your working and activity time will be much more productive and fruitful.
8. Don't be afraid to fall in love - with the right person!
Love has become a dirty word in Western culture. It's been cheapened by endless Soap Opera's and "reality TV" shows. We so easily buy into the myth and end up in another self-imposed prison. However, finding love which is unconditional with someone who is your soul mate, is a wonderful thing. Many of us have been hurt by relationships that went wrong. And this can prevent us from trusting anyone again. Don't let negative experiences affect your openness for mutually loving relationships.
9. Set aside 10% of the money you earn for charity
Seriously! Giving money away to a reputable charity is hugely beneficial, not just for them! There is something very therapeutic about giving with a generous heart to those less fortunate than us. Not giving in a patronising way, but giving out of genuine care.
10. Go on a 2 week Short Term Mission Trip
If you feel trapped by life, take time out to go on a Short Term Mission Trip to a developing country. It will change your life. There are loads of opportunities out there, just make sure you choose a reputable mission agency, which will give you proper orientation training, ways to operate in a different culture with respect and sensitivity.
I could go on! But it's time to stop. Please read my other articles about self-help and life coaching.
Steve Flashman has had many years of experience as a Life Coach based not on theories and abstract ideas, but on his own life experience. He teaches strategies and techniques that will bring transformation to life, love and business. Life Coaching
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Thursday, 8 August 2019
The 30-Day Challenge to Use Affirmations and Visualization for Good Luck
There has been a lot of hype and media coverage about the Law of Attraction in recent years, especially after the release of the movie, The Secret. There seems to be a lot of emotion around this subject, both for and against. This is no surprise, given that we have changed as a society to have much less patience and a reduced attention span. I will delve deeper into all of this in a future article.
The tools associated with the Law of Attraction do work, and they work well. Most of the misunderstanding about these tools is due to people not really taking the time to give them a whirl.
So here's the 30-day challenge, should you choose to accept it
Take 30 days to use affirmations and visualization to improve your luck. This will not be likely to make you win the lottery, but should manifest as better luck in the smaller things in life. After 30 days, review how your luck has changed for the better.
When you do this, and it works will for you, keep doing it and start using some of the other tools available to improve your life dramatically.
Affirmations for Good Luck
You can use an affirmation such as "I always have great luck" or something similar that works best for you. Keep it short and easy to remember and repeat. It should be in the present-tense, in the "now." Repeat this affirmation first thing in the morning, even before you rise out of bed, when you're having a bath or shower, driving, while you're falling asleep and any time your mind isn't focused on a specific task.
Pay attention to what happens around you. Are you starting to make it through green lights, finding better parking spaces? Look for little things such as those. Whenever you notice a good luck event, say something like "Wow! I DO have the greatest luck" to reinforce the event both in your own mind and the universal energy.
Visualization for Good Luck
Visualization is a technique in which you "see" something happening in your mind's eye. With practice, it becomes easier and the things you visualize become more clear and detailed. It is somewhat akin to daydreaming, but done intentionally and directed by you. To visualize, close your eyes and start imagining yourself experiencing events that have been brought on by good luck (Please do not use this while driving or operating heavy equipment). As with the traffic light example above, you would see yourself easily making it to your destination with light traffic and every single traffic light being green. Another fun one is to see yourself finding a dime or quarter on the ground as you walk along. Be creative in your imagination!
Do your affirmations and visualization exercises for 30 days and be observant throughout the process. If you wish, take notes and review them at the end of the 30 days. Think about how your luck was before this and the differences you have observed. Good Luck!
Find more information about making your own luck and the Law of Attraction at
Ness Numerology is unique in that it combines the Law of Attraction and Numerology to provide a more holistic view into one's personality and how to succeed in all areas of life.
~ Wil.M | Numerologist, Geek and Person who Loves to Help People
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Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Creating A Stable Financial Life With Subliminal Audios
This is not a normal topic for a lot of people, but it has to become more nature that we seek out real change and actually move to make things better.
We are not attempting anything impossible here, but far too many people think that changing their money lives and finances as a whole is basically impossible. That's not only a negative falsity that they uphold, it's also a severely limiting mental belief that they accidentally clung onto.
If anyone wants serious and real change, they just have to listen to some nature and water sounds for several hours a day.
That's not really a big difference or change that people can accept is a real thing long term, but we have to understand that our minds are not fixed and stuck. We can easily change within a few short hours, but we have to be the ones that make the move and actually listen for several hours a day.
This is also not about attempting to make it seem as if listening by itself changing our physical lives by itself. We have to accept the ideas and new thoughts that we get from listening, and then we will see that our lives and emotions and minds as a whole have somehow changed.
Our finances change positively by letting go of false beliefs, odd and negative habits and we start to learn more because we aren't so bogged down by previously held inaccurate and very unworkable ideas in general.
When our minds change and we stop making foolish decisions with our money, that changes pretty much everything about our finances. Though this is a very direct and somewhat passive change for most people, it works very well and we just have to accept that this is a very powerful way to change your life outlook while you also enhance your finances at the same time.
Nothing about this is too difficult, but because the audios tend to bring up old uncomfortable ideas about our lives people tend to think that listening to subliminals is somehow far too rough and almost nothing that they can handle.
We already know that this is untrue because everyone deals with hardship in their lives and we all get through it in some way or another.
Once you understand and accept the idea that subliminals can help your life, you might see how your life and finances in particular might be quite a lot better after you start listening.
Create a stable financial life using subliminal audios:
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Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Why People Fear Success
YouTube seems to be the go to place these days for people seeking overnight fame. A lot of people mistake being infamous for being famous. They are two drastically different things. Yet very few of the ones who decide to jump on YouTube appear to have any real talent.
So why aren't the talented people seeking out this platform to showcase their talents?
For many the reasons truly vary. Are they filled with apprehension about achieving success?
Have you look at a YouTube video and noticed the thumbs up and thumbs down icon beneath the video?
Well, some people are really positive and then there are the negative Nancys. Putting yourself out there requires thick skin. If you are like me, then it is relatively easy to tell the haters to go jump off a bridge somewhere. Which raises the question, "Where did all these unhealthy personalities in society come from anyway?"
Most of the haters are products of poor parenting and an uncultured environment of upbringing, raised in the current psychologically pathological society where they socially conform to a social trend of haters. Before all the incompetent parents failed this generation, a few decades ago people with such toxic attitudes appropriately became social outcasts, and if their behavior failed to remit, they appropriately became the subject of therapeutic interventions such as corrective physical assaults. They are often found to be facing the fearful component of two things: A degree of discomfort with success, and envy.
To revisit the initial point of why otherwise talented people refrain from pushing as hard as they otherwise could, YouTube is only used as a reference point.
People get comfortable in their own skin. Most people worry about social acceptance and being liked, and the idea of climbing up the ladder ahead of their peers, co-workers, friends and family, is something that unconsciously alarms and induces internal conflict in them, inducing a level of anxiety and ambivalence that keeps them from moving forward.
The fear that a stand-up comedian encounters before or during their stage performance is very different from what someone who is afraid of success encounters.
In a relative sense, the two can be synonymous in that they both may have a fear of rejection. The comedian's fears may arise from a place of being heckled on stage, and Joe Brown may fear that his singing abilities may not be very well appreciated. Either way, both parties are fearful of rejection in their own way.
On the other hand, the comedian's fear of being heckled may differ from Joe's fear of facing his competition, being envied and hated by everyone he knows, including those who does not even know.
People are not always happy for the success of others, so much to the point where they become malevolent.
As a former model, 5'8", I can tell you that women can be exasperatingly unpleasant. Being a senior in high school, I recalled one morning the school's principal at the time announced that Althea Laing, a very famous Jamaican fashion model, was scouting for aspiring models and those who were interested in a modeling career should go see her at the designated area.
Naturally this was right up my alley, so on I went. I recall standing at the designated waiting area where the fashion mogul would appear, when all of a sudden my "best friend" at the time came out of nowhere.
Now puzzled why she was there, my curiosity lead me to direct my inquiry of her. Her response was, "I am interested in becoming a model too." The look on my face was a ghastly thing to see.
Yes, at this point you are wondering what is the issue or maybe you have already figured it out. Do you know someone like that? Hence the long lived adage of keeping up with the joneses.
This little midget had never expressed any interest in being a model. She saw my opportunity, and in the glimpse of the moment, abandoned all aspirations to become a history teacher.
I referenced her as the little midget, as this girl was doubtfully 4ft tall, and no I am not expanding here either, she was that short.
For the record, there is nothing wrong with short people, but that bears resemblance to my waking up one day and deciding that my friend that I don't have by choice, wants to be a singer, so that is my calling as well.
There are a lot of things about me. Singing is certainly not one of them. Or I could tell you about a certain cousin of mine, that converted her whole life to cater to the field of nursing as a result of my expressed interests in that arena.
What am I saying people? You are obliged to live your life for you, and pursue your dreams. Embracing the tendency to shy away from success in view of others and their remarks, envy, or reactions, is doing a disservice to yourself.
It starts with finding your self-worth and placing an immeasurable value on yourself. Believing that you are worthy and deserving of success.
According to recent studies, fearing success is a very real condition, one that has the existing possibility to cause you to become infirm.
Have you ever experienced shakiness, sweaty palms, during or before a really important job interview?
That is as a result of the physiological changes that you are experiencing due to the nature of your anxiety level.
Actors often utilize breathing exercises, or in some cases yoga. These are not bad alternatives, in fact they are very effective.
One of my favorite jokes is by the great Les Brown, nationally renowned speaker, who said in one of his speeches he had moments where he stood up and his mind sat down. This cracks me up every time, but it is a reality; it does happen.
Success in its own right is very subjective. However, whatever that is for you, it is vital to know that your fear is very real and more common than you think.
With that being said, in the end, the ball is in your court and how the game ends is ultimately up to you.
Success does not happen by accident, but by our hard work, persistence, and the choices we make.
And once you have achieved success, in order to keep being successful, you must recognize the hard work and skills that brought you to your level of success.
A good way to do this is to journal your journey along the way. This helps put things into perspective and keeps you honest and accountable for your success.
You are probably producing a thousand and one different thoughts as to why you wouldn't feel internally successful. This is because there are actually people who chalk up their success to pure luck.
They experience an inability to internalize their accomplishments. They feel as though they are frauds and are not deserving of the success that they have achieved. This is a condition known as the imposter syndrome.
The signs and symptoms present differently. To provide a picture of what this looks like:
• Exhibiting habits of over-perfectionism.
• Overworking oneself
• The person tends to undermine their achievements
• They do not receive being praised very well, or tend to downplay it.
• Exhibiting habits of over-perfectionism.
• Overworking oneself
• The person tends to undermine their achievements
• They do not receive being praised very well, or tend to downplay it.
People experiencing this syndrome often will have a mindset that failing is not an option, or as aforementioned, their success is merely by luck.
"I have written 11 books, but each time I think, 'Uh oh, they're going to find out now. I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out'" -Maya Angelou
Do not read this and self-diagnose; rather, if you or someone you know experiences any of the above, rest assured that it can be overcome, without seeking help from a professional.
In the interim, believe in yourself and your abilities. Self-worth and success will be yours with hard work and persistence.
Do me a favor. I want you to adopt a 30-day ritual. Every day of these 30 days, look in the mirror, and say out loud, "I am worthy and deserving of success; I am going to make it."
If it takes you longer than this exercise period to believe it, that is perfectly fine too. The important thing is that you are fully engaged in your own personal development, and that you make a commitment to yourself to honor this daily, and stay committed.
Change your life today, no more holding back, go for your dreams!
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