Friday, 18 October 2019

What is Healing? - Teal Swan

Therapy: Why Don't Some People Heal?
There are, of course, a number of reasons as to why someone would end up having therapy or working with a healer. For example, they could be in a position where they have mental and emotional problems, their relationships might not be going as they want them to go and/or they may have only been able to get so far in life.
No matter what is going on for them, they would have done the right thing by reaching out for support. Simply tolerating what they are going through and suffering in silence wouldn't have served them.
The First Step
During their first session, they will be able to open about what has been going on for them. Perhaps one has a rough idea as to why their life is the way it is or it could be a total mystery.
If it is a mystery, the therapist/healer may ask them a number of different questions in order to get a better idea of what is going on for them. This might be something that takes up most of the session or it might not take long at all.
One Challenge
So, let's say that one has mental and emotional problems; it could become clear that they have experienced trauma. This may have been something that they experienced in their adult life or it could go back even further.
Once this has become clear, they could end up working through what happened and start to integrate what took place. There can be the beliefs that need to be brought to the light and questioned and the emotional pain that needs to be processed, for instance.
Another Challenge
If ones relationships are not in a good way, what could gradually become clear is that they don't value themselves. Maybe their younger years were a time when they were not given the love that they needed.
After this has been established, this could be a time when they will look into the thoughts that they experience and the beliefs they are carrying. One can then start to change the thoughts that run through their mind and the beliefs that they have.
A Different Challenge
Then again, if one has only been able to get so far in life, it could also show that they don't value themselves. As with the case above, their early years may have been a time when they were not given the support and encouragement that they needed to develop in the right way.
After this has been discovered, they may also look into the thoughts that they have and what they believe. Changing both of these things, along with their behaviour can be the next thing that takes place.
A Straight Forward Process
Regardless of which of these challenges someone has, once they have started to work on what is taking place inside them, their life may begin to change. They will then have located what the blocks were and they will be doing what they need to do to work through them.
Thanks to how responsive they are to what is taking place, they might not need many sessions. They will have wanted to move forward and the fact that their life is changing will prove this.
Another Scenario
However, although someone can have the desire to change their life, it doesn't mean that their life will actually change. Thanks to having mental emotional problems, relationships problems or trouble moving forward in life, they will have reached out for support but, they may find that they only get so far
This can be a time when they will change their thoughts and beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and work through trauma, for instance. One will then be doing a number of things, and even have an endless amount of sessions, yet it will be as if they are not doing anything.
As a result of this, one can end up experiencing fair amount of frustration and they can wonder if their life will ever change. If they felt powerless in the beginning, they could feel extremely powerless now.
At this stage, they might start to think about if someone or something out there is holding them back. They will want to move forward, so they will believe that what is going on doesn't have anything to do with them.
A Deeper Look
Now, while they will want their life to change, it doesn't mean that ever part of their being is on board with this. In other words, another part of them may believe that their survival would be put at risk if their life was to change.
What this comes down to is that the only way that one will be able to change their life is if they feel safe enough to do so. This means that they will have to feel safe at the core of their being; without this, they will only get so far.
Two Levels
Another way of looking at this would be to say that consciously they want one thing but unconsciously they want something else. Until their unconscious mind is on board with what their conscious mind wants, they won't be able to transform their life.
If they were able to take a step back and to connect with what it taking place at a deeper level, they may find that they have a fear of being harmed and/or abandoned. Experiencing life as they are will be painful, but changing their life will be seen as something that would be even more painful.
If one can relate to this, it will be essential for them to gradually work through the trauma that is being held in their body. It could take a little while for this to take place, yet this will most likely be what liberates them.
What they fear will happen, if their life changes, is likely to be something that did happen when they were younger. Ultimately, the more integrated they become and the safer they feel in their own body, the easier it will be for them to change their life.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to -
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Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Rocky speaks to his son about life

Make Your Inner Critic Pay Rent
I know plenty of people who struggle with meditation. They'll say something like it doesn't interest them, they can't sit still, or they gave it a go and it didn't work.
It might even be true.
But for many people, they don't like coming face-to-face with that voice inside your mind. You know the one I mean - the one that whispers horrible things to you about your looks, talents, successes, failures, prospects and worthiness to keep breathing.
The sorts of things you'd never say to another person, even your worst enemy.
It's always there, anticipating your mistakes, just waiting for the chance to laugh at you.
So if this voice, or the deeper well of anxiety and insecurity it comes from, won't leave you alone, then it's time to take control.
But you don't gain control by fighting it.
Think of this inner critic like a neighbouring kingdom... with an enormous army. Much stronger than yours. If you fight it head on, not only will it not work, but you'll hand it even more real estate and power.
How would you fight such an adversary?
With kindness and curiosity.
Don't think of these as soft. It takes real strength to say, with full kindness, "really? I don't think that's true - what makes you so sure?"
Especially to someone attacking you, and even if that someone is you.
These can give you control over the volume... or maybe its air supply. If you're patient, you can starve it out.
But you're right to not want to settle for that.
After all, I bet it's been hassling you for a long, long time. Driving it from its home - your head - is too good for it.
It's about time it compensated you for it.
Why shouldn't it? Should this, the worst tenant of all time, be allowed to live anywhere rent-free? Especially some real estate as valuable as your noggin?
Surely not.
Maybe it's time you demand your inner critic starts paying its share. And not just paying rent from now on, either. It owes you plenty of backpay, not to mention all the damages it needs to cover.
There's no need to evict it. Show it mercy, bring it into line and put it to work.
Because this voice sure is creative. It used to have fun concocting the worst-case scenarios for you.
So use that creativity. Make it devise best-case scenarios instead... with a plan to get there.
And you know it's persistent, so use that too.
If it wants to keep scrutinising your life, let it find the ways you're doing well. Allow it to offer constructive suggestions for improvement.
Heck, you can put a leash on the inner critic and walk it round the block if you want.
After all, it's yours. No one else can tell you what to do with it, not even that voice.
Silencing it frees up a surprising amount of mental resources. That alone makes you feel smarter, faster, cleaner and happier. When you turn those resources to your own needs, you feel even better.
You can begin that simple self-improvement technique now.
And enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
If you really want to take your mind to new places? To improve more you dreamed possible?
You might want to read about this mind training program:

Friday, 4 October 2019

THE 1%" ARE DOING THIS EVERYDAY | Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind | Try It For 21 Days!

Unconsciousness: A Wise Choice?

Recently, I was reading that most of our consciousness is under the surface of our conscious being. As in, our lives are mostly ran unconsciously, and consciousness has very little to do with it all except to be an irritant at time to the smooth running of those unconscious processes such as heartbeat, breathing and the like. Also, habits are more unconscious than anything. In fact, I can honestly say that consciousness is a small factor and unconscious habit is the largest factor there is in changing situations in life or keeping them going as they are.
Some of the greatest feats of genius in fact stem and are rooted from the unconscious levels upward. Sure, we seem to come up with the ideas consciously and work downward from that level, but the paradoxical is real: Ideas work from the conscious out, no more, not any less either.
Thomas Edison said that "ideas come from space", he's only half right. I will fill in the blanks with this one: Ideas come from space, and they are reverse engineered from there in reality. The fantasy is that the ideas are original to consciousness.
Without mincing words, in a way, I agree with Julian Jaynes's theory of consciousness that it originates from a certain way of using the brain, and is not organic, but, the deeper parts of consciousness are subconscious or unconscious energies that are deeper than that use of the brain that we call consciousness and they are organic, deeply organic right down to being the ultimate force of nature. I'll even say that those unconscious parts are the God levels of consciousness that really control everything, and that consciousness is the genuine tip of the iceberg in it all, although it may seem to some to be the other way around about that.
So, I will answer to an extent, the rhetorical question I posed in the title. Total unconsciousness of habit is not a wise choice, and consciousness does fill in the gaps left by that unconsciousness. But to be useful, the consciousness must harmonize with the unconscious levels to really work for us in beneficial ways. After all, going against nature, and thinking that consciousness is independent from nature could be the most destructive way to live. After all, what do you think I understood my Dad to really mean by his pet saying: "Scientist, if you can take the place of God, create me some dirt from 'pure scratch'."
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source:

Thursday, 3 October 2019

How I Manifested My DREAM Home/Apartment in 1 Year! | Law Of Attraction Success Story!

Dream It and Do It

Dream It and Do It life robs us of our dreams and we end up feeling empty and discouraged. The most common areas of dreams getting derailed are: health, wealth, love, ambition, spiritual development and family. With losses like these, confusion, frustration and fear can monopolize one's mind when their dreams come crashing down. There may be times when all of our energy has been invested in a particular outcome, only to have it
Sometimes life robs us of our dreams and we are left feeling empty and evaporate. This could create a sense of having hit a wall with nowhere to turn. This disheartening state is an ideal time to receive some spiritual insight through a psychic reading. Psychic guidance can be instrumental in helping one to move forward and create a new vision for one's life. There are always alternate dreams available if one is simply willing to expand their perspective, open their mind and trust in their soul's wisdom.
How does one learn to trust in their soul's wisdom? Let's look to mother nature for that answer. Nature has patterns and rhythms that are both subtle and profound as do our lives. In the cycle of life, the fall leaves drop from the colorful trees. This shedding of what is no longer needed precedes wintertime. The winter is then followed by spring where seeds are planted for new beginnings and this then leads to summer growth and harvest and a new cycle begins. Our lives resemble these unending cycles of life, but in a wider sphere of context and existence. We may be in the spring of our life financially, yet in the winter of life regarding our health. The hardest phase of life to deal with is the winter of the soul. At this point, one may feel as though they are doing all they can to live their dreams but, the intended results are not yet shown on the outside.However, rest assured there is growth and strengthening happening deep inside on a soul level. This place of emptiness is where one enters the great unknown. From this void, life can become full again. Courage, fortitude and faith to move forward can be discovered within. Like seeds being planted in spring that offer new hope, our souls can inspire us. We can learn how to release that which is no longer serving oneself, just as the trees drops their leaves in the fall. The key is to not run away, but rather to listen deeply inside to the voice of the innermost heart. This voice is always calling each of us home to our unique path and purpose. No one else can fulfill our personal destiny. Most importantly,remember to keep an open mind and don't give up on believing that a new dream can emerge from the rubble of your shattered hopes, goals and visions. Trust in the infinite wisdom of your soul's nature and in your ability to navigate through the challenges that come. Dream again and dream big! You can do it.
Liah Howard is a Psychic/Channel and Medium and a teacher of psychic development and an author. She also writes for four inspirational magazines. Liah teaches classes in Psychic Development both in person and on-line. She has a free 20 class multi-media video series that teaches psychic development on-line via You Tube. Visit Liah's website for free guided meditations, articles, radio shows, videos, and to schedule a phone session..

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Dream - Motivational Video

Wherever You Go, Go With All Your Heart,-Go-With-All-Your-Heart&id=10081327
While world occasions are occurring at a confounding rate, an ever-increasing number of individuals are arousing to the requirement for positive change that speaks to the kindest parts of humankind. The call to appear every day as our best self In other words, wherever you go, run with your entire being.
Envision the confident effect in the event that we were to all focus on including more heart wherever we pass by expanding our consideration, sympathy and resistance of other's perspectives.
When we purposefully include heart wherever we go, we are decidedly affecting the lively condition around us. With each caring word verbally expressed and each sympathetic or minding activity, we add to co-making another world dependent on heart esteems that recuperate, and support others just as our self. To show delightfully what including heart can achieve, we need to impart to you a few anecdotes about individuals who are devoted to doing precisely that.
These people were respected for their empathetic and minding heart work, giving guide, solace, sanctuary and want to numerous around the globe. Adding more heart characteristics to an incredible majority associations and nature is something we can each do. It costs nothing, yet it is a standout among the most profitable commitments we can make for co-making a world we need our youngsters to live in.
The all out advancement of your identity and what you need and how you feel... is fundamental to accomplishing your objectives both in your own and expert life.
Once there used to be high ethics and morals in the working environment and the desires for your own life were private and non-comprehensive.
The fact of the matter is there is ought to be no contrast between our internal individual work and those of our expert achievement - our entire self is the thing that we ought to convey to work and what we ought to bring home-in the event that you need to be fruitful over the long haul the best practice is the least difficult truth: wherever you go, run with your entire existence.
In the event that you convey your entire self to work and you lead from your heart you will be bound to be the individual who minds more, shares more, sees more, says more, believes more, hears more and is loved more.
Bringing your entire heart and ceaselessly building up your own dominance is similarly as critical as authority development and initiative development is similarly as essential as hierarchical development every last bit of it matters- every last bit of it is interrelated.
Wherever you go, run with everything that is in you. Time and again we do things irresolutely, in light of the fact that we truly would prefer not to yet we feel committed here and there. Life is too short to even think about wasting time doing things that you are not energetic about.
You are basically killing time until you leave this world and not really exploiting the open doors that god is putting forth you. Put your heart into everything that you do and do it to the best of your capacity and you will lead a real existence loaded with wealth unimaginable regardless of whether you never accomplish material riches or acclaim and big name status.
Do what you cherish, invest energy going where you need to be and with those that you really care about, and be enthusiastic about everything that you do. When you do this your life will be full and you will be content regardless of where you end up.
Live with no excuses and dare to dream and make it happen. Life is what you make it.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Headspace | Mini Meditation | Let Go of Stress

Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness is not just a way of thinking about others and their state of mind, but it can also be used a form of meditation. Using Mindfulness Meditation allows you to focus on the moment, becoming aware of your senses and what you are feeling right then and there. When you are able to focus just on that particular moment, there is no need to try to interpret things or make judgments about how you feel.
You are simply present.
If you have ever studied Eckhart Tolle or other spiritual teachers, you realize that the present moment is all that actually exists. The past no longer exists, and the future has not yet come. So focusing, being mindful, of the moment, can help you relax and eliminate stress.
Think about all the time we spend planning for, or worrying about the future, thinking negative thoughts about the past, worrying about all the things we need to do - pick up the kids from school, make dinner tonight, pay the bills, etc. All those things are draining and can even be exhausting. When you are able to be mindful, you are able to put those things away, and focus your attention on the present moment, which reduces your stress and anxiety. Mindfulness meditation can be very powerful!
For years, spiritual teachers and their students have been practicing meditation, and espousing its benefits. Now, thanks to advances in modern science and medicine, there are actually many clinical trials that scientifically back up these claims. It is amazing that for hundreds of years people have known that meditation works, but there is always a certain percentage of the population that needs to know how and why before they will believe it.
There are so many studies now that provide empirical data as to the how and why of meditation, and its effects on the body and brain. Those studies are so diverse that they need to be in a separate article on their own. But suffice to say that the overall evidence of these studies show that meditation is effective for reducing stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and even a host of "medical" conditions and disease.
There is probably no such thing as too much meditation, especially if you are struggling with any of the issues previously mentioned. Studies have shown that there are certain times of day when meditation may be more effective than others. Those times are when the brain is emitting certain waves that enable it to be more receptive to suggestion and meditation. Books have been written on that topic alone, but for our purposes, for most people that time is before you go to bed, or right when you wake up in the morning. During those times your brain is emitting the proper waves and producing the proper chemical to allow the mist benefits from meditation. But as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "There is no such thing as a bad meditation."
The best way to develop your mindfulness meditation routine is to practice, practice, practice. Do so, and you may be truly amazed with the results.
If you want to live life to the fullest, then can help! Roxanna Teeling is a Relationship Coach specializing in individuals, couples, and relationship issues. She not only has two mental health master's degrees and two undergraduate mental health degrees, but she is also a Certified Relationship Coach from the Tony Robbins/Claire Madanes training institute. Roxanna strives to help you address and improve the concerns you have individually, with families or as a couple, by implementing techniques that fit your goals and values. Visit for more!

Monday, 23 September 2019

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Self Improvement by Stephen Covey

How to Practice the Ultimate Skill

If you want to take your self-improvement to the next level...
(And, you know, if you're reading this then that's likely... )
... then there's one skill for you to learn first.
Why this one before anything else?
Well, there's no rule which says you have to do it this way.
But if you do, it'll save you a lot of bouncing around in the meantime.
Because it's the skill of learning.
Because some folk take self-improvement all too casually.
They read a book once a month... but don't do anything with it.
They go to the gym twice a week... without tracking their progress.
They play with language learning apps... and can't form a single useful sentence.
If that's your style, then you don't have to learn how to best learn. You're into growth for the fun of it, but not actual development.
For those of you who want to take this to the next level, you're going to want to figure out how. Because you could waste a lot of time and energy on inefficient projects.
You might not going to want to hear this. It's a harsh lesson in a way.
But you can't assume you're good enough at learning to achieve everything you want to.
Like everything else, learning is a skill. You might have some innate talent for it. Either way, if you don't train it hard and smart, you're not going to reach your potential.
So here's how you learn better:
Start with what you want to know. Put boundaries on it. Do you want to learn a language? If so, which one? Do you want to be fluent - to be mistaken for a native speaker? Or do you just want to tour the country without relying on English?
Then you want to figure out why.
Maybe you're curious about the topic.
Perhaps it's something that'll lead to a better job or a higher salary.
It could be you have a vision on how to change the world - if you have in your head the ultimate video game, then you'd better learn computer programming.
Once you know why, you move onto how.
How are you going to learn?
How are you going to practice? Because remember, learning isn't about reading or listening. It's about doing. It's about getting your hands dirty, making mistakes and forging deep connections in your mind.
And how are you going to check your progress?
With practice exams, real world scenarios, jumping in the deep end... ?
Then there's what.
The day to day tasks that build the skill.
Following from your why to your how to your what, you create a roadmap for learning. Follow it and you can't go too far wrong.
You can begin that simple self-improvement technique now.
And enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
If you really want to take your mind to new places? To improve more you dreamed possible?
You might want to read about this mind training program:

Article Source:

Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum | TEDxTraverseCity

One Secret Of Hidden Fear That No One Talks About!!&id=10154547
Rita was sitting on her back porch watching the darkness of night creep softly into the heavens. She looked in wonderous awe as the stars began lighting up the sky while dancing with delight. The mountain air soothed her soul. Yet she couldn't find peace.
Reflecting on her past and The Mystery at West Samms, she once again asked God why did this happen?
Rita was desperate to learn the reason and her heart ached with despair. It just didn't make sense that she lost everything she owned to Phantoms of Identity Theft.
Twenty eight years of hard dedicated work along with one million dollars in secure investments, life insurance, bank accounts and lost credit vanished within two weeks. The pain of her 2004 tragedy haunted her.
Rita didn't quit after her loss, she turned her attention to the internet. She learned quickly that there were even more Phantoms with online businesses. What little money she had she invested in every business model she could find. Yet regardless of her hard work and long hours, she just couldn't create a steady flow of money.
Rita built thousands of down-line members and continued to lose because of greed with a few business owners. Moving on she found a global company with excellent reviews and great products. Building a huge down-line this time was easy. And she made money for eight months.
Until she received a call from the CEO of the company that she nor her down-line would receive any commissions. The company abruptly closed its doors and dismantled the business structure. She was devastated.
And this was only the beginning of that online journey, Rita had to rebuild that million dollar nest egg again. She had never intentionally hurt anyone; what kind of Karma is this she asked. Rita prayed daily for answers and received nothing. Her life ruined for what reason?
After the bliss of her evening with nature watching the stars dance in the heavens, Rita once again asked God why her life wasn't working in her favor. She closed her eyes and waited. This time fourteen years later her mind accepted the open door of truth. She recognized her fear. God answered her prayer.
Rita built her million dollar retirement because of the fear of living on social security. This driven fear not only created a loss, but continued that loss for years to come.
Now at the age of sixty-seven Rita was living on Social Security. Her emotional passion of fear created exactly what fear does, it manifested itself into her reality and didn't leave.
Do you have a deep seeded fear? If so, please read these words carefully. Emotions manifest what we feel, not what we want.
Our emotions create our success or failure in life. Our subconscious mind totally believes what our conscious mind tells us. In Rita's life her emotional fear of living on Social Security was real and that's exactly what her subconscious mind brought to her.
One of my biggest goals in life is helping as many people as possible understand that they have the power to make their life as they want it to be. You can become whatever you set your mind to. And just like many of you, I have spent years searching for a fulfilled happy life. Join me in team spirit and meet some of the most amazing people who have experienced the good and the bad choices and moved forward to success. I write their stories. Find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Referral Key or contact me through Financial Freedom Site.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins

Brain GYM and Reading
My day began with taking a class on Brain Gym 101, led by Mari Miyoshi.
She is such a delight!
Brain Gym is this self-improvement technique discovered by Dr. Paul Dennison. It caught my attention because Dennison worked as a public-school teacher and reading specialist in the 1960s, researching more effective ways to help children and adults with learning difficulties. As a result, he came up with this technique.
It consists of 26 movements and works towards balancing your brain.
One of my absolute favourites was the sequence called PACE.
It begins with taking a sip of water, which nourishes your nervous system.
Sipping Water stands for E (Energy) in PACE.
BRAIN BUTTONS stand for C (Clear) in PACE.
Rest one hand over your navel. With the thumb and fingers of the other hand, feel for the two hollow areas under the collarbone, about one inch out from the canter of the chest. Rub these areas vigorously for 30 seconds. If you want to add an extra level of complexity, you can also look from left to right.
Why do we do it? This stimulates the carotid arteries which supply freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. They help re-establish directional messages from parts of the body to the brain, improving reading, writing, speaking and the ability to follow directions.
CROSS-CRAWL stands for A (Active) in PACE.
Standing up, "march" in place, alternately touching each hand to the opposite knee.
Continue during the course of four to eight complete, relaxed breaths.
Why do we do this? This exercise is wonderful for improving reading, listening, writing and memory. It co-ordinates the whole brain.
The last exercise in the sequence called Hook-Ups. It stands for P (Positive) in PACE.
Start by sitting in a chair, resting your left ankle on top of your right knee. Grasp your left ankle with your right hand and the ball of your right foot with your right hand. As you inhale, place your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, about one-quarter of an inch behind your front teeth. Relax your tongue as you exhale. Close your eyes and rest in this posture for four to eight complete breaths.
Now uncross your legs, placing your feet flat on the floor. Lightly steeple the fingertips of both hands
together, as if you were enclosing a ball.
Keep your eyes closed as you continue to lift your tongue on the inhalation and lower it on the exhalation, relaxing in this position during the course of four to eight complete breaths.
This exercise connects the two hemispheres of the brain and strengthens the body's electrical energy, particularly in stressful environments such as offices. Reported benefits are increased vitality and improved self-esteem.
I plan to use this sequence to set the stage for learning and reading. It certainly had an energizing and soothing effect on my brain. I highly recommend the program!

Article Source:

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

The One Thing Only 1% of People Do | TRY IT FOR 21 DAYS and Success Will...

Trying Too Hard Is The Real Reason For Your Lack Of Success

Don't Aim For Results Over Outcomes
I want to take you on a journey on a topic I trust is close to your heart as it is mine. What am I referring to? Trying too hard. Firstly, let's begin by examining your relationship with the matter. Are you aware of trying too hard whether it be in your: relationships, career, health or otherwise? What do you believe is the cause of it? I will give you an insight into my experience via a recent journal entry below. Sometimes trying hard has worked, yet mostly it hasn't because of the effort required to sustain it. For example, in relationships it can become exhausting trying hard all the time. Is this something you've experienced before? Perhaps you were making every effort instead of allowing the relationship to run its natural course? Whatever the case, there may be an underlying tension of forcing things to happen that can lead to an unhealthy relationship.
Similarly, if we try too hard to get ahead in our career, the energy we spend may be the very thing holding us back. How can we learn to struggle less without compromising our desire to succeed? For example, I enjoy working hard because it gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. I love writing, speaking and coaching clients on all things related to: self-improvement, personal growth and self-awareness. How about you? How do you find purpose and meaning in your life? Do you have expectations of how your work is seen by others? For example, you might enjoy being creative whether through art or music. Sometimes your work is not acknowledged in the manner you envisioned. This is hard to accept and so we try harder hoping our next creative endeavour will be a hit. However, success is seldom achieved in such a way, since we tend to please others instead of building on our success. We are not listening to our inner guidance but relying on outside influences to dictate our outcomes.
As you read through my journal entry below, note how I intentionally ask questions to get to the heart of the issue. The key is to focus on one area of your life when doing self-exploration and examine it objectively. It requires distancing yourself from the situation with an open mind. Then it will become obvious where you need to take action or not. Once you finish reading this article, I invite you to write in your journal or diary ways in which you are trying too hard in areas of your life. It may be difficult at first but remain open as you explore it since there may be vital clues you need to learn.
Examining My Limiting Belief
Am I Trying Too Hard To Succeed? What Is The Cause Of Trying Too Hard?
For as long as I can remember, I've had a strong desire to succeed whether it was related to my career or life circumstances. I've enjoyed working hard which may be attributed to my relationship with my father who conveyed the idea that nothing I did was ever good enough. Therefore, on an unconscious level I had to work harder than most people to achieve the same level of success. Tied to this was a sense of perfection and pushing myself to extremes, whether it be through sport, in my relationships or career. I was aware of the inner critic urging me to do better. However, the cost of trying too hard meant falling short of my expectations, i.e. disappointment, anger and frustration. I justified it by convincing myself that I had put in the hard work, therefore I should be entitled to success. Limiting Belief: Hard work is not a predictor or precursor to success. There were times I wanted to give up, yet I found this difficult because if I quit who would take control of my life? The universe? God? Someone else? These are questions that flood my mind as I try to make sense of how much effort it requires to achieve my goals.
In recent years, the need to try hard has improved. It involved the art of 'allowing' instead of forcing things to happen. When I force life to happen, it seldom works out as planned and I become disillusioned. When I come from a place of love, faith and trust, I can still work hard with fewer expectations of a desired outcome. It's not that I don't want to succeed, however I have learned to let go of fixed outcomes because life may have better plans. So how can I change my relationship of trying too hard? What is the cause of forcing things to happen? Firstly, I can learn to detach from desired outcomes regarding a project, a goal or a relationship. I still invest myself wholeheartedly and show up embodying my deepest self but I suspend my expectations of how things should unfold. Perhaps the cause of forcing things to happen is my limiting belief that I have to do all the work otherwise I won't get what I want. This was the message conveyed by my father which I adopted as truth. I believed if nothing I do is ever good enough, I must work hard to make up for it. But working harder will not assure me success if my intentions are not in the right place. If I am lacking in some way, all my hard work will go to waste if I feel undeserving. The key is to work efficiently and reframe my relationship of receiving and deserving. When I let go of fixed outcomes and give myself entirely to the undertaking, everything I ever need will show up in its own time.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Monday, 16 September 2019

This Will Change How You See Everything "It Can Happen In Minutes"

The Next Chapter Of Your Life Begins With The One You're Living Now

Something Of Benefit Also Comes With Its Problems
Are you always looking to the next chapter of your life because you're fed up with the one you're living now? You wouldn't be the only one since many people wait for things to improve because they are dissatisfied with the way things are. But how much of it is perception? Do things actually improve when life gets better? For example, those who win the lottery are worse off five to seven years later, according to statistics. Most of them squander their winnings and are in more debt than before they won the lottery. But how can this be? How can winning a large sum of money lead a person to be worse off than before? Financial experts believe they lack the financial skills to manage large sums of money and they spend frivolously because they are certain the money will not run out.
We may experience something similar if we believe getting what we want will make us happier. For instance, the two main problems people often face in coaching relate to finances and relationships. People are convinced when they have more money or a loving partner, their problems will vanish. Is this something you believe? I know I have. I wasn't aware that getting what I want also means getting what I don't want. What do I mean? There are two sides to a coin, meaning that something of benefit also comes with its problems. The key is to find balance and harmony in what we want and not over-complicate matters.
Therefore, attracting more money means having to give up something in order to earn it or learning to manage money more effectively. Similarly, having a fulfilling relationship has its downsides (which is favourable if you consider what you gain). That is, we must invest our time and energy to cultivate the relationship, otherwise our partner might not stay around for long. That is to say, when we are looking for a relationship, we are heavily invested in the process but we don't realise how much time and energy is required to sustain it. This is a desirable quality because anything worth building requires two people to invest their time and energy to create a strong foundation. Some people are not aware of what it requires to maintain and build a relationship and so they stop contributing to it at some point. They divest their energy and the relationship falls apart. I once heard a relationship counsellor suggest that people stay parked in relationships which is why it eventually ends.
Be Invested In The Life You Have Now
If we wish for the next chapter of our life to arrive, we must be aware of the problems that go with it. If we are not ready for what life will bring, we will lose what we gain. That is why the title of this article reads: The Next Chapter Of Your Life Begins With The One You're Living Now. What am I referring to? The life you're living now is the one you created, whether consciously or unconsciously. You attracted the conditions and even though it may be full of challenges and setbacks, there may be a reason for it. So wishing away the pain and disappointment means wishing away the personal growth that accompanies it. Some might say: "Tony, why would I want to attract health problems and a lack of money?" I don't know your particular situation but it is my experience people attract their life's conditions on an unconscious level because they haven't transformed their limiting beliefs with what they want. Does this make sense, insofar as your inner conflicts will make themselves visible in your reality until you reconcile them?
For example, if you unconsciously hold limiting beliefs of your unworthiness to attract a loving relationship, no matter how many dating sites you sign up to, you are bound to experience disappointment. I'm not suggesting everyone on dating sites will experience pain and heartache. There are many thousands of people who find a devoted partner every day because they are ready for it and have done the work to transform their limiting beliefs. Pain and disappointment can highlight areas of our life we must devote our attention to. It requires self-examination on why we are attracting those circumstances. For instance, a person with poor financial skills might attract unwanted financial conditions until they honour their self-worth. Perhaps they were brought up with a tough parent who criticised them. They may have adopted this belief which now shows up through their finances.
So what I'm trying to say is: until we recognise what is stopping us from attaining what we want, we will continue to attract undesirable conditions. We can change strategies and enlist the help of coaches, guides and mentors and some of it may work. However, if we are not committed to our personal growth, we will go back to our old ways eventually. It requires being invested in the life we have now. Your problems and challenges are the keys to your redemption. As the aphorism states: "The obstacle is the way." It is showing the exit off the freeway so you may experience better living conditions. But the price you must pay is doing the work to remove any unconscious impediments that stand in your way. With this in mind, I'd like you to give some thought to areas of your life where you feel held back. Write in your journal or diary how you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself. What is the trade-off? What do you get by living these unconscious beliefs? Perhaps you prefer to remain safe in your comfort zone? Every belief serves a purpose, even ones that limit our potential. Ultimately, if we are constantly expecting the next chapter of our life to arrive without living the one we have now, we will attract situations that are not for our highest good.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Saturday, 14 September 2019

Speak like a leader | Simon Lancaster | TEDxVerona

Why A Leader, Must Think, OUTSIDE The Box?

After, over four decades, of involvement, in nearly every aspect of leadership, from identifying, qualifying, training, developing, planning, and consulting, to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, as well as serving, as a leader, in a variety of positions, for various organizations, I have come to believe, although one must understand the time - tested techniques, heritage, and ideas, he must be ready, willing, and able, to think, OUTSIDE the box! How can any group, benefit, when any leader, merely, remains within his personally created/ self - imposed, comfort zone, and, merely, proceeds forward, with the same - old, same - old ways, etc? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it's such, an important, essential consideration, etc.
1. Options; opportunities; open - mind; offers: There are nearly always, several options, and alternatives, and a well - prepared, leader, considers these, and chooses the finest, possible opportunities! He proceeds, with an open - mind, and, considers, thoroughly, what each, offers, to make a difference, for the better!
2. Useful; uses; usual/ unusual; unique; urgent: Instead of just, doing, one should seek the most useful, approach, etc! How someone, uses his skills, etc, makes a huge difference! What unique skills, abilities, and/ or, mindset, someone possesses, often, becomes significant! A quality leader, clearly articulates, a compelling, inspiring, motivating message, in order, to communicate, and differentiate, between urgent priorities, and lesser ones!
3. Time - tested; timely; trendsetter: It's important to know, thoroughly, the time - tested, techniques, but, to also, avoid, being trapped, by them! Great leaders must be trendsetters, who proceed, in well - considered, timely ways!
4. Service; sustainable system; solutions: When the priority is quality service, someone looks to introduce viable, relevant, sustainable solutions, for the common good! He inspires others, to participate, and welcome, his system, for achieving, meaningful objectives!
5. Ideas; integrity; innovate; imagination: How should you, evaluate the quality of your ideas, and be certain, they are, in the best interests of those, you serve, and represent? Will you proceed, consistently, with genuine, absolute integrity, combined with a willingness to innovate, with a well - developed, relevant imagination?
6. Delve deeply; deliver: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply into the true priorities, needs, and perceptions, and, do all you can, to deliver the finest leadership!
7. Empathy; emphasis; endurance; excellence: Will you take the time, to effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience, so you might proceed, with genuine empathy? Will you align your emphasis, with this finding? Will you overcome obstacles, and have the endurance, to proceed forward, when others, will not, or cannot? How will you demand, your utmost degree of personal,genuine, excellence?
If you hope to be a real leader, think, OUTSIDE, the box! Will you settle for good - enough, or the same - old, same - old, when your constituents, deserve, and need better?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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